Liquid fertilizer

Anyone who wants to compete with their agricultural business today has to take many factors into account. The weather alone is becoming an unpredictable factor year after year - also due to climate change. It is therefore all the more important to keep an eye on all the decisive influencing factors and to readjust them if necessary. One of these important influencing factors is fertilization to ensure adequate nutrient supply to your crops and optimum yield exploitation.

Our portfolio now consists of a range of highly specialized foliar fertilizers that supply your crops with nutrients quickly and efficiently. We work directly and closely with various manufacturers and also jointly develop fertilizers to customer specifications - tailor-made, so to speak. From approval to our own product label.

In addition to the "classic" liquid fertilizer solutions already known on the market, we have also specialized in innovatively enriched fertilizers. In addition to natural ingredients, special adjuvants or secondary plant substances, we thus succeed in positively influencing the plant immune system of your crops or increasing the foliar efficacy of your fertilizer measures.

You can find an excerpt of our product range in our product catalog:

Our products

Please direct individual inquiries and/or queries to our contact form or to

Contact information

ewia GmbH

Niederrheinstraße 7

40474 Düsseldorf

